Auteur Video Essay Feedback

Who has observed me: Caitlan
Key aspects that they think I have done well:
Great visual reference to recurring aesthetic qualities and overall feel of the film.
Clear explanation of Nolan's choices as an auteur including cast and visuals as well as shifts in pacing.
Frequent collaboration with soundtrack composer Hans Zimmer.
Shot types similar throughout Nolan's work, clear to identify his work.
Same use of font for titles as well as time at which they appear, at the end of most of his films.
Overall very visually appealing and informative video essay

Key areas for development:
Incorporate others views on the auteur's work as well as views of the auteur himself and reasons for why he chose certain themes and other aesthetic features and personal touches.
Refer to Nolan's views on the auteur theory, is he in agreement with it or not?


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