Short film Vandal Evaluation

During production for our film, we didn’t have any major issues resulting in drastic changes to the screenplay, however minor shooting issues did cause delay to filming. As well as shooting on location in public, we knew there would be problems involving members of the public however decided to continue with our location choices. We were fortunately very lucky with weather conditions, not having a single bad day for filming which gave us more opportunities during the day to shoot any additional scenes required. We had to make some changes to the initial script idea because we believe we may have been too ambitious and had too many ideas that were difficult to represent on screen however once making these changes it was much easier to incorporate the concepts into the final piece.  While we were shooting, we kept coming up with better ways to film something or a better idea as to where the narrative will go, and so having that ability to add more ideas into the mix, shooting a scene in multiple ways really helped us figure out what was essential to our film and what could’ve been cut out to make it smoother.

Technical issues were probably our main struggle, figuring out how to activate each computer simultaneously while shooting, so we worked our way around that and tweaked the premise to fit with what was shootable and we are still very happy with it all even if we would’ve liked to add a little more complexity, as if there wasn’t enough already. We also encountered genre difficulties because certain ideas we had would have shifted it away from horror/thriller into more fantasy so to combat this we cut down on the fantastical elements and only included moments that were confusing in a thriller style which effectively captured the feelings of a viewer during the film. 

Upon watching the final product, we are extremely happy with it and couldn’t ask for much more, we believe the narrative is interesting and intriguing especially paired with excellent editing creates a dark atmosphere and full of mystery. We took ideas from our previous film and wanted to make this film even better and we do think we have achieved that and made something original and smart.


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