Brainstorm narrative

Jack Ross - lead
Sami Brown

A cowboy that lives underground in a western civilization, strikes above ground, only at night and when needed.
young boy, Sami, befriends him after seeing him hurt in the street - job gone wrong for Jack, asks him to help out with a situation.
Jack's job gone wrong involved another gunslinger claiming the target before Jack could, this loss meant he cannot return home until a debt is paid off.
Sami's help requires his friends to be taught a lesson for being horrible to him throughout his life.
cowboy agrees to help but for a price, help returning home. the boy is then pushed down a well by Jack and as he hits the floor he lands on his bedroom floor. It turns out the boy was dreaming of this mysterious figure and wakes up, gets ready then goes to a friends party. An event occurs at the party, the lights cut out randomly and the room is devoured in pitch black, screams of the boys are heard, cheering at first then they turn to horrified screaming and half the kids are massacred, Sami is left alive among a few friends but the rest of the boys are all on the floor lifeless.
Sami looks startled and runs home, he enters his house and stumbles up the stairs but as he approaches his room a shadowy figure lurks over him, its Jack the cowboy who attacks Sami, throwing him through the door and against the wall. Jack isn't revealing everything to Sami and threatens to kill him for causing a disruption in the world order. Sami is confused and wants Jack to explain himself but before he can explain he pulls a gun out from his holster and holds it against the underneath of Sami's chin, pulling the trigger back ready to fire.
twist - Jack caused the disruption himself and is pinning the blame on sami in order to regain life and honour. can't stay above ground for long without killing and replenishing soul. Jack turns out to be a blatant serial killer and has duels with many people around the towns and villages, he is also responsible for many deaths and disappearances in the town. Sami starts to scream and soon his parents come running in, with his other hand Jack takes out the second revolver from his holster and shoots the two of them in the head with the same bullet. Jack begins to cry and without even looking, Jack empties the barrel into Sami and he falls on the floor a few feet from his parents. The Gunslinger continues to cause chaos in the town until he can return home with the souls. Upon entering the sewers again to return home, he thinks about Sami, the life he has just ended and a part of him is regretful, however he must convince himself he should have no regrets about what he just did.

Character descriptions
Jack - mid 40s, shoulder length hair. Time glass is carried by Jack to remind him when he needs to regain life. 2 silver colt navy revolvers in his holsters and a double barrel shotgun in a holster over his back. with a bandana hanging below his chin. Worn brown hat and brown with partly grey hair glistening
Sami - Young schoolboy, 14, short brown hair, intelligent and good attitude, scar along back of his neck due to childhood surgery.
Other characters include schoolchildren / Sami's friends, his family and potentially another gunslinger

Chemistry at start of film between Jack and Sami reminiscent of father and child in Curfew - short film.
The Gunfighter - take inspiration from how the character of cowboy talks and acts in environment.
Gunslinger will refer to Sami as "Boy" a lot and "kid" rather than by his name, Sami will return with "Sir". The Gunslingers speech will deteriorate as he weakens and must kill, this will be represented clearly.


Texas, desolate land, urban city/town too


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